National Veteran Services
US Department of Veteran Affairs
Healthcare, Disability, Education & Training, Careers & Employment, Pension, Housing Assistance, Life Insurance, Burials, Memorials, Records, Service Member Benefits, Family Member Benefits
National Resource Directory
The NRD is a database of validated resources that supports recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration for service members, veterans, family members, and caregivers.
NVF Lifeline for Vets – 1-888-777-4443
VA Suicide Hotline – 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Stop Soldier Suicide - 1-.800-273-8255 #1
NVF Veteran Resources https://nvf.org/veteran-resources/
South Carolina
SC DVA - South Carolina Department of Veteran Affairs https://scdva.sc.gov/resources
SC based veteran resources, employers and programs
Our team loves getting out and meeting our community partners and veterans. Together we can help end veteran homelessness through employment.
Transportation is a barrier to employment we work hard with our veterans to overcome! This veteran was able to get his license back with donations secured by SCJ! :)
On the way to work!
Teamwork - Makes the Dream Work
Director Debbie with Vets Helping Vets Director at a Veteran Fishing Event
SC Supports Veterans!
Homeless Veterans Fishing!
Introducing HVRP to Vets Helping Vets - Anderson, SC
We found a donation for a lawnmower for one of our veterans - before leaving it with her, they cut her lawn and trimmed her trees!
Speaking engagement at VHV - Anderson, SC
SCJ HVRP assisted him with job search, career coaching, and provided work gear - He will be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army!
Helping veterans find employment
Meeting with veterans
Manufacturing employers love hiring veterans!
Donations support veterans locally with wrap around services
Meeting with veterans
Excited about the partnership to support second chances
Raising donations to support veterans
At the MSSC Convention - Manufacturing employers
We love meeting new employers and sharing the HVRP program with them.
Partners in serving veterans
Meeting veterans at the MSSC convention.
We love sharing our mission!
Nothing like destressing out on a lake - catching fish!
Sharing SCJ HVRP information with employers.
God bless our veterans!
SCJ HVRP had lots of furniture donated!
Practice makes perfect
Sharing how we can serve veterans in a local veteran shelter.
Christmas time
Sharing information about SCJ HVRP
Sharing information at our local veteran shelters for women
Working in partnership with the SCDC prison system.
Working together to serve veterans.
Introducing SCJ HVRP to veterans.
Training & coaching a veteran with his business.
We love our veterans!
We love serving veterans!
Tablets for training and job search!
Tablets help veterans search for employment!
Can you believe he painted all that?
We had a lawnmower donated to this veteran! She was so happy!
Sharing the news about SCJ HVRP
He is the best painter - He painted all those walls!
We put them to good use!
Serving veterans in the upstate!
Supporting veterans through employment services.
We suppor local veteran organizations in raising funds for veterans in need.
Partnering with local authorities!
Raising money to help veterans
How awesome!
Transportation support for our veterans!
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